NDC and Paris Agreement

Commitment to achieve Its NDC

NDC and Paris Agreement

Commitment to achieve Its NDC

The Republic of KOREA

  • Set the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and ambitious40% of GHG emission reduction to 2018 level by 2030.

  • Recognizes the importance of voluntary cooperation toachieve climate goals and to help countries meet emission reduction targets ofboth countries.

  • Believes international GHG mitigation program willprovide opportunities sustainable development of host Country with technologytransfer and capital investment.

  • October 2020

    Declaration of carbon neutrality by 2050
  • December 2021

    Submission of updated NDC
727.6 mtCO₂eq
436.6 mtCO₂eq

Use of voluntary cooperation under Article 6 ofthe Paris Agreement as a complementary measure(3,750 tCO₂eq in 2030)

  • 4.17%
  • 1.98%
  • 2.81%
  • 2.81%
  • 3.56%

Annual average reduction rate(By 2030 compared to base year)


  • Adress

    #323 Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan (#528-1 Ujeong-dong), Republic of Korea (Postal Code) 44538
  • Telephone
