NDC and Paris Agreement

UNFCCC & Paris Agreement

NDC and Paris Agreement

UNFCCC & Paris Agreement



  • Kyoto Protocol

    1st Period : 2008 ~ 20122nd Period : 2013 ~ 2020

  • Paris Agreement

    Post Kyoto : 2021 ~

  • GHG Emission Reduction
  • Mainly GHG Emission Reduction
  • Developed countries (Annex I)
  • Top-Down Emission, Reduction Target
  • No comment
  • Punitive
    (Deducts 1.3 times of non-achievements innext period’s allocation)
  • Expiry period
  • Goal

  • Scope

  • Contries Subject to

  • Targeting Methods

  • Targeting Principle

  • Penalties

  • Implantation Period

  • well below 2 °C above pre-industrial,
    effort to limit the increase to1.5 °C
  • Including Mitigation, Adaptation, Technology
    Transfer, Capacitybuilding, Transparency
  • Every country
  • Bottom-Up, Nationally determined
  • Successive NDC will represent progression
    beyond the current NDC
  • Non-punitive
  • No expiry (5 Year cycle)

Paris Agreement Goal

  • Mitigation
  • Adaptation
  • Finance
  • General Responsibility
    (Article 3)
  • Ambitious effort
  • progression over time
  • REDD+
    (Artivle 5)
  • Market
    (Artivle 6)
  • Loss and
    (Artivle 8)
  • Mitigation(Article 4)
  • Adaptation(Article 7)
  • Finance(Artivle 9)
  • Tech. Transfer(Article 10)
  • Capacity Building(Article 11)
  • Trans-parency(Article13)
  • Information for Global Stocktake

  • Information for mitigation activities and
    developing countries support

Global stocktake(Article 14) : Assess the collective progresstowards achieving
the purpose of this Agreement and its long-term goals every 5years


  • Adress

    #323 Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan (#528-1 Ujeong-dong), Republic of Korea (Postal Code) 44538
  • Telephone
