Our Experience

Our Experience

Our capability and experience on GHG mitigation

Korea Voluntary Emission Reduction

  • Started in 2005 and finished in 2016
  • 646 projects registered and 15,149,742tCO₂-eqissued
  • Korea Voluntary
    Emission Reduction
  • Various CDM
  • Operation of EST with

CDM Experience

  • Activities Korean Companies Participated
Domestic Overseas
Number of activities 90 31(412)
Number of activities 18,067 8,052(43,123)
Number of activities Renewable, Industry process Renewable, Energy-efficiency

As of ‘23.5 based on registered PA(CPA)

  • There are 4 Korean public entities designated as CDMDOEs(KEA, KFQ, KTR as of ‘22.12)

Emission Trading System(3rd phase)

  • Enacted in 2012 and started in2015
  • 684 enterprises are under the ETS scheme(over 70% ofnational GHG emission)
  • Share of allocation by auctioning is 10%, allocated byGF(grand-Fathering) or BM(Bench Mark)
  • The creadits from domestic offset program can be used inthe ETS
  • Plan to use overseas carbon offsets under the ParisAgreement


  • Adress

    #323 Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan (#528-1 Ujeong-dong), Republic of Korea (Postal Code) 44538
  • Telephone
