Program Overview

International GHG Mitigation Program

Program Overview


  • This program aims for meet the NDC target of bothcountries by using Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.


  • The program supports the activities throughout theextensive process from the planning of the activities to issuance and transfer of theITMO for NDC use.
  • The program also will contribute to achieving development,financial and technological benefits and NDC of host Countries.

Brief process of Program

  • Public Offering : Activity design for GHG ER and SD
  • Evaluation : Selection of the eligible Activity for thehost country
  • Proposal : Optimization and approval with the hostcountry
  • Implementation : Government budget invested and Activityinitiated with stakeholders in the host country
  • Monitoring : Conservative accounting and verification bythird party entities
  • Issuance & Transfer : ITMO for NDC use by a correspondingadjustment with Korea

The detailed process will be discussed at first proposal

  • Innovative Improvement
    based on Mutual lessonsand experience
  • 화살표 이미지입니다.
  • Activity Design
  • 화살표 이미지입니다.
  • Proposal Optimization
  • 화살표 이미지입니다.
  • Activity Implementation
  • 화살표 이미지입니다.
  • Activity Monitoring


Efforts on achieving NDC goals with international cooperation using Article 6 ofParis Agreement and continuous negotiation


Voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve its NDC(37.5 MtCO₂-eq by2030)

Program Overview

International cooperation program that Korean government promotes GHG emission reductionactivities under the A6 of Paris Agreement with the government budget for implementation ofparticipating countries’ NDCand sustainable development of host countries.

  • Design & Finance

    • Start GHG ERActivities

    • Cor-respondingAdjustment

    • Transfer ITMO

  • 화살표 이미지입니다.
  • 배경이미지입니다.

    Implementing NDC of Participating
    Countries and Sustainable
    Development of Host countries

Corresponding Adjustment : Preventing participating countries fromusing the same ITMO for NDC (Double-Counting)ITMO : Internationally Transferred Mitigation Output

Ⅰ. Mutual Agreement & Setting up theScheme


  • Mutual Agreement
  • (Activity Design, Monitoring, Issuance, ITMO transfer,etc)

Host Country

Ⅱ. Implemention of the Program

ROKKorean companies

  • ITMO for NDC
  • Technology, capital investment

Host CountryStake-holders

Ⅲ. Going to NET ZERO with Socio-Economicbenefit

  • Mutual understanding

  • The opportunity of
    business withtechnology
    transfer and investment

  • Contribution to
    of host country

Achieve NDC
  • HOST Country
    Achieve NDC & Sustainable development
    • Job creation and
      Local Community

    • Improvement on
      low carbon Energy,clean
      and healthy Environment

    • Improvement on 17 SDGs


    • Adress

      #323 Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan (#528-1 Ujeong-dong), Republic of Korea (Postal Code) 44538
    • Telephone
